- matplotlib - scipy - numpy

PyScript: Python in the Browser

    With the new PyScript project, you can embed a Python code directly in your .html page content and code will execute within your browser without any server-based requirements. Read more about the project and its development here
    It's simple to use PyScript:
    1) Include two scripts into your .html head content:
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://pyscript.net/alpha/pyscript.css" />
        <script defer src="https://pyscript.net/alpha/pyscript.js"></script>
    2) Embedd a Python code in the py-script block - which will then render the code and show output on your page.
    I've decided to try it out, see examples below:


<pyscript> print('Hello, World!') </pyscript>

Output from PyScript

    print('Hello, World!')

Matplotlib Figure

    I wanted to test the plotting, so I decided to use code from my Distribution Analyser web application. You can read more about Distribution Analyser here, and play with it live here. One of the available options within the app is to generate Python code of the displayed distribution. I copied the code and made only 1 adjustment prior to embedding code within the PyScript: I had to change the last line from plt.show() to fig.
    In order to render Python code within .html, it is needed to place the code inside:
<div id="mpl"></div>
<py-script output="mpl">

# Your plotting code here

      If you are importing Python packages in your code, you should specify them in your .html document within head. In my case, I am using matplotlib, scipy and numpy, so I added these lines:
      - matplotlib
      - scipy
      - numpy


    <div id="mpl"></div>
    <py-script output="mpl">
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # Generated using Distribution Analyser:
    # https://github.com/rdzudzar/DistributionAnalyser
    # 20220615_120246
    # ---
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #v3.2.2
    import numpy as np #v1.18.5
    from scipy.stats import dweibull #v1.6.1
    # Set random seed
    # Function parameters
    # Generate evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval
    size = 400
    x = np.linspace(dweibull.ppf(0.001, c, loc=loc, scale=scale ), 
                    dweibull.ppf(0.999, c, loc=loc, scale=scale ),
    # Freeze the distribution
    rv = dweibull(c, loc=loc, scale=scale)
    # Generate random numbers
    r = dweibull.rvs(c, loc=loc, scale=scale, size=size)
    # Make a plot
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1,
                           gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [9, 0.7]})
    # Plot PDF, CDF and SF
    ax[0].plot(x, rv.pdf(x), linestyle='-', color='#3182bd', lw=3, label='PDF')
    ax[0].plot(x, rv.cdf(x), linestyle='-', color='k', lw=3, label='CDF')
    ax[0].plot(x, rv.sf(x), linestyle='-', color='#df65b0', lw=3, label='SF')
    # Plot Histogram
    ax[0].hist(r, density=True, bins=20, color='lightgrey',
               edgecolor='k', label='Sample')
    # Plot Boxplot
    bp = ax[1].boxplot(r, patch_artist=True,
    # Boxplot aestetic
    for median in bp['medians']: median.set(color ='red', linewidth = 2) 
    for patch in bp['boxes']: patch.set(facecolor='white') 
    # Set legend
                 borderaxespad=0, ncol=2)
    # Set Figure aestetics
    ax[0].set_title('Distribution: dweibull')
    ax[1].set_ylim(0.9, 1.1)
    ax[1].set_xlabel('X value')

    Output from PyScript

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #v3.2.2 import numpy as np #v1.18.5 from scipy.stats import dweibull #v1.6.1 # Set random seed np.random.seed(1) # Function parameters scale=1.0 loc=0.0 c=2.07 # Generate evenly spaced numbers over a specified interval size = 400 x = np.linspace(dweibull.ppf(0.001, c, loc=loc, scale=scale ), dweibull.ppf(0.999, c, loc=loc, scale=scale ), size) # Freeze the distribution rv = dweibull(c, loc=loc, scale=scale) # Generate random numbers r = dweibull.rvs(c, loc=loc, scale=scale, size=size) # Make a plot fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [9, 0.7]}) # Plot PDF, CDF and SF ax[0].plot(x, rv.pdf(x), linestyle='-', color='#3182bd', lw=3, label='PDF') ax[0].plot(x, rv.cdf(x), linestyle='-', color='k', lw=3, label='CDF') ax[0].plot(x, rv.sf(x), linestyle='-', color='#df65b0', lw=3, label='SF') # Plot Histogram ax[0].hist(r, density=True, bins=20, color='lightgrey', edgecolor='k', label='Sample') # Plot Boxplot bp = ax[1].boxplot(r, patch_artist=True, vert=False, notch=False, showfliers=False, ) # Boxplot aestetic for median in bp['medians']: median.set(color ='red', linewidth = 2) for patch in bp['boxes']: patch.set(facecolor='white') # Set legend ax[0].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0,1.1,1,0.2), loc="center", borderaxespad=0, ncol=2) # Set Figure aestetics ax[0].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[0].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[0].set_title('Distribution: dweibull') ax[1].set_xlim(ax[0].get_xlim()) ax[1].set_ylim(0.9, 1.1) ax[1].spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax[1].spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax[1].spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax[1].set_yticklabels([]) ax[1].set_yticks([]) ax[1].set_xlabel('X value') ax[0].set_ylabel('Density') fig


      Here is an example of a Colormap. The colormap code is generated with the Color Extractor web application. You can access web app here..


    <div id="plot"></div>
    <py-script output="plot">
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # Generated using Color Extractor:
    # https://github.com/rdzudzar/ColorExtractor
    # 20220615_130653
    # --- 
    import matplotlib # v3.4.3
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np #v1.20.3
    # Add #colors and create colormap
    created_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("mycmap",
                                    ['#075b7f', '#f5ebcf', '#cb2fce'])
    # Register name of your colormap
    plt.register_cmap("mycmap", created_cmap)
    # Get colors from the cmap
    x = np.linspace(0, 1, 256)[None, :]
    # See how colormap looks like
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,1.32))
    ax.imshow(x, aspect='auto',
              cmap = "mycmap")
    # Turn off the X and Y axes

    Output from PyScript

    import matplotlib # v3.4.3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np #v1.20.3 # Add #colors and create colormap created_cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("mycmap", ['#075b7f', '#f5ebcf', '#cb2fce']) # Register name of your colormap plt.register_cmap("mycmap", created_cmap) # Get colors from the cmap x = np.linspace(0, 1, 256)[None, :] # See how colormap looks like fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7,1.32)) ax.imshow(x, aspect='auto', cmap = "mycmap") # Turn off the X and Y axes ax.set_axis_off() ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) plt.show() fig

    A Python REPL (Read Eval Print Loop)

      With PyScript, you can embedd a REPL component on your webpage and it will behave as a code editor, which will allow visitors to write executable code. Try it below! You can press play button or Shift+Enter to execute a Python code, e.g.: print("It works!").

    PyScript Code

       <py-repl id="my-repl" auto-generate="true"> </py-repl>


    Instead of Conclusions

      It's new! It works!
      Yes, it's a bit slow, but have in mind it's still in development. You can find more PyScript examples on their GitHub page, and test them out on their live web page.

    Few Lessons Learned While Trying Out PyScript

  • I'm using HTML5 UP Template on my website, and in order to render .css properly I had to define my .css stylesheet after the PyScripts' one.
  • Python code has to have a proper identation, otherwise it will report an error.
  • If you use e.g. < div id="mpl">< /div> for one of your figures; you'll need to name next figure differently e.g. < div id="plot">< /div>, so that they are not plotted one next to another (unless you want that).
  • When specifying which libraries to import inside < py-env >, your < py-env > has to be inline with < head >, otherwise it results in an error.
  • You can access .html content of this page on my GitHub.